FIG. 3.
HGT4 is essential for the growth of C. albicans strains when respiration is inhibited. Cells spotted onto YPD+uri without antimycin A (top row; 3 days growth) or with 2 to 4 μg of antimycin A/ml (bottom row; 5 days of growth). Similar results were observed at 30 and 37°C. For the Hgt4 pathway, WT is the parental strain BWP17 (CM50), HGT4/hgt4 (CM4) is the sensor heterozygote, hgt4Δ is a hgt4/hgt4 knockout strain (CM9), and hgt12Δ is a hgt12/hgt12 knockout strain (CM64). For the Gpr1 pathway, WT is the parental CM149 strain, GPR1/gpr1 is the sensor heterozygote (CM152), gpr1Δ is a gpr1/gpr1 knockout strain (CM151), and gpa2Δ is a gpa2/gpa2 knockout strain (CM150). For hgt4Δ strain complementation, “UTRs” indicates the noncoding flanking regions of HGT4 (CM137), HGT4 indicates one copy of the wild-type HGT4 gene (CM87), HGT4-1 and indicates one copy of the constitutively signaling HGT4 gene (CM35).