Effects of clones of Dl-expressing cells (green, GFP
labeled) on the expression of CT (antibody against CT, staining in red)
in third instar imaginal wing discs in the dorsal (D) and ventral (V)
compartments. In A, ventral clones cause large
outgrowths where CT is not ectopically expressed. In B,
dorsal clones of Dl-expressing cells induce the ectopic
expression of CT in some cells within the clone (arrowheads) and in the
wild-type cells surrounding the clone (arrows). In C,
schematic representation of the effects caused by clones of
Dl-expressing cells. Ventral clones that do not express
CT cause large outgrowth, and dorsal clones cause the ectopic
expression of CT within the clone (yellow) and in adjacent wild-type
cells (red).