Id-specific CD4+ cells accumulate in small Id+
tumors. Small MOPC315 and J558 tumors were triple-stained with the
clonotype-specific GB113, anti-CD4, and anti-CD8 mAbs [MOPC315
(n = 5, 0.2 ± 0.1 g, 3.8 ±
0.6 × 106 cells, serum M315: 29 ± 14
μg/ml); J558 (n = 4, 0.6 ± 0.4 g,
4.1 ± 2.8 cells, serum J558: 95 ± 54 μg/ml)].
(A) CD4 and CD8 cells were analyzed for TG TCR
expression (GB113 mAb). The CD4 and CD8 gates were set on LN cells
analyzed in parallel. A considerable number of tumor cells, outside the
indicated CD4 and CD8 gates, stained variably for CD4 and CD8, but
these cells were not bona fide T cells because they did not express
TCR. By contrast, >80–90% of cells within the indicated CD4 gate
were genuine T cells because they stained with the β-transgene
(Vβ8)-specific F23.1 mAb (see Fig. 7A). Representative
examples are shown; numbers represent mean frequencies ± SD.
(B) Absolute number of Id-specific (GB113+)
and nonspecific (GB113−) CD4+ cells in MOPC315
and J558 tumors.