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. 2005 Oct 4;272(1580):2457–2466. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2005.3254

Table 1.

The 34 characters of adult morphology used in the phylogenetic analysis.

1. four white spots on dorsum of thorax (0) absent; (1) present. CI=1; RI=1
2. a tuft of long androconial setae attached to inner distal tip of a shortened tibia of male hindleg and held in a pouch along inner edge of a lengthened first tarsal segment (0) present; (1) absent. CI=1; RI=1. The presence of long androconial setae, or hairpencils, on the male hindleg of certain Napaeina species was only reported recently (Hall & Harvey 2002b). They occur in eight species of Ithomiola, all three Hermathena species, Hyphilaria thasus and ‘Cremnaalector (Hall 2003, in press). Such leg hairpencils are not known elsewhere in the Papilionoidea, or true butterflies
3. a tibial spur on male hindleg (0) absent; (1) small; (2) large. CI=1; RI=1. Note that the presence of a large instead of a small tibial spur is probably correlated with the absence of a hairpencil socket in the same distal region of the tibia
4. pale rings around abdomen (0) absent; (1) present. CI=1; RI=1
5. blue scaling at tip only of male abdomen (0) absent; (1) present. CI=1; RI=1
wing venation and pattern
6. forewing discal cell (0) less than half length of forewing; (1) more than half length of forewing. CI=1; RI=1
7. markings in forewing discal cell (0) narrow vertical bars; (1) enlarged and laterally elongated spots. CI=1; RI=1
8. rufous-brown tinge to ground colour of dorsal forewing (0) absent; (1) present. CI=1; RI=1
9. hyaline wing markings (0) absent; (1) present. CI=1; RI=1
10. contrasting purple colouration within otherwise white basal spots of dorsal forewing in male (0) absent; (1) present. CI=0.5; RI=0.8
11. pale markings immediately distal to forewing discal cell (0) absent or a narrow bar (entire or medially divided); (1) enlarged into a big round spot. CI=1; RI=1
12. continuous pale blue scaling along anal margin of dorsal forewing (0) absent; (1) present. CI=1; RI=1
13. pale postdiscal marking in forewing cell Cu1 (0) round or square; (1) elongate and rectangular. CI=1; RI=1
14. pale postdiscal marking in forewing cell M3 (0) approximately same size as that in cell Cu1 (no less than about half of its size); (1) considerably smaller than that in cell Cu1 (only a tiny fraction of its size). CI=1; RI=1
15. a pale postdiscal spot toward base of dorsal forewing cell M1 in male (0) present; (1) absent. CI=1; RI=1
16. costal four spots of forewing post-discal band (0) in an approximate straight line; (1) variably jagged. CI=1; RI=1
17. prominent black rays proximal to anal and costal series of postdiscal spots on ventral forewing (0) absent; (1) present. CI=1; RI=1
18. white submarginal spots along entire margin of dorsal forewing (0) absent; (1) present. CI=1; RI=1
19. pale area on dorsal hindwing (0) absent; (1) does extend to or near distal margin; (2) does not extend to or near distal margin. CI=0.5; RI=0.6
20. black venal stripes crossing pale area on dorsal hindwing (0) absent; (1) present. CI=1; RI=1. As ‘Cremnaalector and I. neildi have no pale area on the dorsal hindwing, they are coded with a ‘?’
21. a distal chalk-blue patch on dorsal hindwing (0) absent; (1) present. CI=0.5; RI=0.75
22. bluish-white scaling across base of ventral hindwing in male (0) absent; (1) present. CI=0.5; RI=0.5
23. hindwing fringe (0) brown; (1) brown with prominent white in apex only; (2) checkered black and white. CI=1; RI=1
male genitalia
24. smoothly upturned, ‘sickle’-shaped lower posterior valve process (0) absent; (1) present. CI=1; RI=1
25. lower posterior valve process projecting from centre of posterior valve margin, with dorsal margin of process intruding into valve centre (0) absent; (1) present. CI=1; RI=1
26. inner margin of lower posterior valve process (0) smooth; (1) angular and connected to a small point before upper posterior process. CI=1; RI=1
27. upper posterior valve process extending posteriorly at least half distance of a lower posterior valve process (0) absent; (1) present. CI=1; RI=1
28. an abruptly downturned posterior tip to aedeagus (0) absent; (1) present. CI=1; RI=1
29. a paired row of parallel cornuti along lateral margins of everted vesica (0) absent; (1) present. CI=1; RI=1
30. a large dorsal patch of tiny spines at base of everted vesica (0) absent; (1) present. CI=1; RI=1
31. a dorsal section at base of everted vesica with each hardened wavy line ending in a small anteriorly directed sclerotized spine (0) absent; (1) present. CI=1; RI=1
female genitalia
As I have not been able to examine the female genitalia of I. buckleyi and I. tanos, these species receive a ‘?’ for all three of the following characters
32. signa (0) approximately symmetrically placed; (1) asymmetrically placed. CI=1; RI=1
33. signa (0) gradually tapered and spine-like; (1) laterally flattened and blade-like. CI=0.5; RI=0.75
34. a long and straight, sclerotized, posterior section to ductus bursae (0) absent; (1) present. CI=1; RI=1

see table 2 for data matrix and figure 1 for cladograms.