Determination of turnover number for autophosphorylation of CaMKII in the presence of WT and mutant CaMs. The time course of autophosphorylation of CaMKII was determined in saturating Ca2+/CaM. Data were gathered with a Quench Flow apparatus and normalized as described in Methods, then fit with the equation: A(1 − e−kp(t − t0)), where kp is the turnover rate (unknown), t0 (a negative term) is the time at which the extrapolated autophosphorylation curve crosses the x axis (Supporting Text), and A is a scaling factor. A, kp, and t0 were fit simultaneously by nonlinear regression performed with the Levenberg–Marquardt method in Mathematica. The kp values supported by each form of CaM are summarized in Table 2. Data were obtained from five experiments with WT CaM, five with CaM-CWT, and three with CaM-NWT. WT CaM (●), CaM-CWT (▿), and CaM-NWT (▴).