Fig. 3.
The tilted peptides of hPRL and hGH inhibit capillary network formation in vitro and in vivo. BACE cells were plated between two collagen gels and treated with the indicated protein for 16 h. Living cells were labeled with calcein-AM. (A) Photographs were taken under a fluorescence microscope. (B) Quantitative analysis of network structure performed by measuring tube lengths. Each bar represents the mean ± SD, n = 3. (C) Representative examples of CAMs taken from a typical experiment. CAMs were treated with 40 μg of 16K hPRL, m-poPRL, poPRL, m-poGH, or poGH. (D) Quantification performed by measuring the area devoid of capillaries in the region surrounding the disk. Values are means ± SD, n (BSA) = 8, n (16K hPRL) = 7, n (poPRL) = 6, n (m-poPRL) = 7, n (poGH) = 8, and n (m-poGH) = 12. ∗, P < 10−5 vs. BSA; ∗∗, P < 10−4 vs. m-poPRL; ∗∗∗, P < 10−6 vs. m-poGH.