In-frame κ light chain repertoire is more restricted in mature naive
B cells than in immature B cells from three daisy (VHJ558
Transgenic) mice. In-frame κ light chain joins to Jκ2
from immature (population E, white bars) and mature (population F,
black bars) B cell populations were amplified, cloned, and sequenced.
This figure is as described for Fig. 2
(a–c). In all three Daisy line mice
analyzed, Vκ1 family member number 82 (marked with an
asterisk) was more prevalent in the mature B cell population than the
immature B cell population, and this enhancement was significant
(P < 0.003) (15). (a) E,
n = 17; F, n = 31.
(b) E, n = 33; F,
n = 41. (c) E, n
= 48; F, n = 46. (d) Tabulation of
all Vκ-Jκ2 sequences from the Daisy line
for immature (E) and mature (F) cells is shown. The horizontal axis is
labeled with as above whereas the vertical axis depicts total number of
sequences with the immature numbers normalized to be equivalent to the
mature numbers (n = 118 for both populations).
Vκ1 sequence 82 (marked with an asterisk) represents 6
out 118 sequences (5.1%) in immature B cells and represents 21 of 118
(17.8%) sequences in mature B cells. This enhancement is highly
significant (P < 0.003). (e) The
same sequencing protocol as in Fig. 2 was applied to a nontransgenic
control mouse of the same background as the Meg line. Population E,
white bars; population F, black bars. E, n = 46; F,
n = 40.