Fig. 4.
Neuronal expression of 5α-R type I mRNA in olfactory bulb (OB), striatum, and RtN. (A) In OB, 5α-R type I mRNA colocalizes with VGLUT2 protein in mitral (M) cells. (A1) 5α-R type I mRNA, green. (A2) VGLUT2 protein, red. (A3) Merge of A1 and A2. Note the intense 5α-R type I mRNA staining in M cells (glutamatergic) and the weak 5α-R type I mRNA staining in granule (G) cells (GABAergic). (B) In the striatum, 5α-R type I mRNA colocalizes with GAD67/65. (B1) 5α-R type I mRNA, green. (B2) GAD67/65 protein, red. (B3) Merge of B1 and B2. (C) In RtN, 5α-R type I mRNA colocalizes with GAD67/65. (C1) 5α-R type I mRNA, green. (C2) GAD67/65 protein, red. (C3) Merge of (C1) and (C2). (Scale bars, 20 μm.)