Stress-induced changes in plasma corticosterone levels
(A) and blood leukocyte numbers (B–E).
Control animals were left undisturbed while stressed animals were
restrained for 2.5 h. Wild-type (WT) and IFNγR−/− mice
showed a robust stress-induced increase in plasma corticosterone
(n = 3, A), and a robust
stress-induced decrease in blood lymphocyte (B) and
monocyte (C) numbers (n = 5).
Wild-type mice also showed a stress-induced increase in blood
neutrophil numbers (n = 5, D), which
was particularly prominent for CD62L+ neutrophils (E).
IFNγR−/− mice failed to show this stress-induced neutrophilia
(n = 5). Statistically significant differences are
indicated (**, P < 0.005,
independent t test).