Evidence of gene transfer and expression in transduced C3H/HeOuJ
macrophages. (A) The result of PCR on DNA extracted from
peritoneal macrophages of C3H/HeOuJ mice primed i.p. with 3 ml
of 3% thioglycollate solution (Sigma) 3 days before cell collection.
The amount of genomic DNA used in each lane was estimated to be
equivalent to 4,000 cells. OuJ Mφ represents macrophages from
C3H/HeOuJ mice. (B) The result of
RT-PCR on C3H/HeOuJ macrophages after adenoviral gene transfer.
HeJ Mφ represents macrophages from C3H/HeJ mice; 293
represents human embryonic kidney 293 cells. (C) Western
blot analysis on lysates from C3H/HeOuJ cells after adenoviral
gene transfer. d, Ad5-Lpsd/Ran virus; n,
Ad5-Lpsn/Ran virus; no, no virus; IB,