Fig. 7.
rasl11b mRNA undergoes diurnal regulation in SCN and arcuate nucleus. In situ hybridization with riboprobe to rasl11b revealed intense expression in CC, piriform cortex (Pir) and amygdala (A). In hippocampus, high levels of expression were evident in the pyramidal cell layers (Py) compared with lower levels of expression in granule cell layers (G) of dentate gyrus. White arrowheads indicate diurnal expression of rasl11b and per2 in SCN. Note that the expression of these two mRNAs was antiphase in this region and that the diurnal rhythmicity of per2 in SCN was out of phase with diurnal changes in other brain regions. Dark arrowheads indicate the diurnal regulation of rasl11b in the arcuate nucleus. St, striatum.