Figure 3.
Immunohistofluorescence analysis of postnatal microglia in KΔ75 mice. A–L: Immunohistofluorescence experiments were performed on transverse sections of anterior brain obtained from control postnatal 15-day WT (left; A, B, E, F, I, J) or KΔ75 mice (right; C, D, G, H, K, L). CD11b staining (A, C) shows that as opposed to controls (A), KΔ75 mice lack detectable microglial cells (C). However meningeal macrophages are still present in KΔ75 mice (white arrow in C). Insets in A and C show confocal images of CD11b staining in control (A) or KΔ75 mice (C). Note that only background fluorescence and no cellular CD11b staining is observable by confocal analysis in KΔ75 mice (inset in C). GFAP staining (B and D) is unaltered in KΔ75 as compared to WT mice. Nestin staining of frontal cortex sections (E–G) allows ramified cells to be detected (E, white; F, red) co-expressing CD11b (F, green) in WT (E, F) but not in KΔ75 mice (G, counterstained with DAPI in H). Nestin+ cells are detectable in the frontal subventricular zone of WT (I, counterstained with DAPI in J) or KΔ75 mice (K, counterstained with DAPI in L). Data are representative of three experiments performed on six mice analyzed on P15 and five mice analyzed on P10 (CD11b staining only for P10 brains).