Figure 8.
Transfection of the adiponectin expression vector (pcmAdF) results in HSC production of adiponectin. Control experiment demonstrating the consequence of adiponectin overexpression and respective controls with one of three vectors: pcmAdF (epitope encoding full-length adiponectin), pcDNA3.1-U (empty vector in SF conditions, 0.1%), and pcDNA3.1-S (empty vector in the presence of 10% FBS. The vectors and experimental conditions and nomenclature are also used in subsequent studies shown in Figure 9. Adiponectin expression in HSCs and culture media was assayed by immunoblot to assure HSC expression and secretion of adiponectin, which is shown in lane 1. In HSCs overexpressing pcDNA3.1-U in the absence of serum (lane 2) no adiponectin was detected in the cells nor the culture media, while very low adiponectin expression, after HSC transfection with pcDNA3.1 in the presence of 10% FBS (lane 3). Respective densitometry is shown for three independent experiments performed in triplicate; β-actin served as a loading control.