Figure 3.
TGF-β1 depletion results in increased frequency of ER-α-positive mammary epithelial cells in cycle. A: Dual-immunofluorescence localization of ER-α (green; nonnuclear staining is nonspecific) and Ki67 (red) in mammary epithelium. Nuclei are counterstained with DAPI (blue). B: Dual-immunofluorescence localization of ER-α and Ki67, as in A, of higher magnification of a mammary duct with an example of double-labeled nucleus (yellow). C: Ki-67 and ER-α/Ki-67 co-localization frequency in mammary epithelium of nulliparous Tgfβ1 heterozygote (+/− in figure) and Tgfβ1 wild-type (+/+) C57BL/6–129SV mice at estrus. Three animals per genotype and at least 300 cells per animal were scored for presence of ER-α and Ki-67 immunoreactivity. Asterisks indicate significant difference from Tgfβ1 wild-type mean frequency (P < 0.01; t-test). D: BrdU and ER-α/BrdU co-localization frequency in mammary epithelium of the same nulliparous Tgfβ1 heterozygote (+/−) and Tgfβ1 wild-type (+/+) C57BL/6–129SV mice at estrus. Asterisks indicate significant difference from Tgfβ1 wild-type mean frequency (P < 0.01; t-test).