Histological examination of adult ArKO and WT prostate lobes following neonatal DES. Treatment of both WT (a, c, e, and g) and ArKO (b, d, f, and h) with neonatal DES was associated with regressive changes to all prostate lobes, VP (a and b), AP (c and d), LP (e and f), and DP (g and h), including a significant reduction to luminal size within glands, although lumen from ArKO lobes remained larger compared to DES-treated WT tissues. Epithelial hyperplasia was identified in all prostate lobes from both DES-treated WT and ArKO mice and was characterized by increased papillary folding and the widespread identification of cribriform structures. Estrogenization was also associated with the manifestation of a local inflammatory response. Staining, H & E; magnification objective, ×10; scale bar = 200 μm.