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. 2005 Sep 8;360(1462):1917–1924. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2005.1723

Table 1.

List of lakes sampled with rough description of ecological context.

acronym name description sediment structure
Am Ammersee large mesotrophic lake, with several adjacent towns, broadly used for fishing, water sports and shipping ****
Di Dietlhofer Weiher small lake next to a town, bathing lake in summer, occasionally exceeds bacteriological pollution limits ***
Lu Lussee small mesotrophic lake under environmental protection, with broad reed girdle **
Ma Maisinger See small mesotrophic lake, bathing lake in summer, low pollution level ***
Nu Nussberger Weiher small lake used mainly for pisciculture ****
Os Ostersee midsized mesotrophic lake, next to Lussee, but without special protection status, bathing lake in summer **
Pi Pilsensee midsized eutrophic lake, broadly used for water sports, bathing and fishing *****
St Starnbergersee very large mesotrophic lake, with several adjacent towns, broadly used for fishing, water sports and shipping *
Tk Tonkuhle artificial lake in a former clay pit near Braunschweig *
To water reservoire near Bad Tölz mesotrophic storage lake of the Isar, fluctuating water levels, can fall dry during summer **
We Weßlinger See small polytrophic lake within a town (Weßling), artificially aerated ****
Zo very small artificial pool in the garden of the Zoological Institute in Munich *

The column ‘sediment structure’ refers to the coarseness of the sediment ranging from one star (*, very fine sediment) to five stars (*****, coarse gravel). This classification refers of course only to the respective sampling sites.