Immunostaining for subunit c of mitochondrial ATP synthase in the cerebral cortex obtained from CD+/− (A, C) and CD−/− (B, D) mice at P13 (A, B) and P23 (C, D) and from CB+/−CL+/− (E) and CB−/−CL−/− (F) mice at P13. A–D: Positive staining for subunit c is intense in neurons (arrowheads) and microglial cells (arrows) of the CD−/− mouse brain (B, D), but not in those of the control littermate brain (A, C). The immunoreactivity is weaker in neurons of CD−/− at P13 (C, arrowheads). E and F: Similar localization patterns of subunit c to those in A to D are observed in the cerebral cortex of CB+/−CL+/− (E) and CB−/−CL−/− (F) mice, although the immunoreactivity is weak in neurons (arrowheads). G–I: Double immunostaining of subunit c and F4/80 in the cerebral cortex of a CB−/−CL−/− mouse at P13. Positive signals for subunit c (red) are large and intense and co-localized in a F4/80-positive microglial cell (arrows), whereas they are fine granular and localized in a F4/80-negative neuron that is marked by arrowheads. Scale bars, 20 μm.