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. 2006 Sep 27;26(39):9881–9891. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2246-06.2006

Table 3.

Transcripts upregulated more than twofold in O4+ cells identified with the GO term adhesion (7155)

Gene Fold change GenBank ID Gene name
Adam23 2.1 AI535213 A disintegrin and metalloprotease domain 23
App 2.5 BM986220 Amyloid β (A4) precursor protein
Bcan 2.5 U37142 Brevican
Cdh13 5.2 BI282750 Cadherin 13
Cdh20 4.9 BF419648 Cadherin 20 (predicted)
Cd9 2.9 AI227627 CD9 antigen
Cspg2 7.3 AF084544 Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 2
Cldn11 24.5 NM_053457 Claudin 11
Cntn1 13.9 NM_057118 Contactin 1
Ddr1 2.6 L26525 Discoidin domain receptor family, member 1
5.8 BM386842 Elastin microfibril interfacer 2 (predicted)
Fez1 4.2 NM_031066 Fasciculation and elongation protein ζ 1 (zygin I)
Gp1bb 9.9 BM387903 Glycoprotein Ib, β polypeptide
Gpc1 4.4 NM_030828 Glypican 1
Hapln2 139.9 AI145465 Hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 2
Igsf4a 2.5 BE117767 Immunoglobulin superfamily, member 4A (predicted)
Itgb4 2.4 NM_013180 Integrin β 4
Lsamp 6.4 U31554 Limbic system-associated membrane protein
Mcam 3.1 BI277043 Melanoma cell adhesion molecule
Pcdh21 3.8 NM_053572 MT-protocadherin
Mpdz 2.5 NM_019196 Multiple PDZ domain protein
Mag 29.2 NM_017190 Myelin-associated glycoprotein
Neo1 4.6 U68726 Neogenin
Nfasc 2.5 BI285436 Neurofascin
Ninj2 61.1 NM_021595 Ninjurin 2
Opcml 8.6 NM_053848 Opioid-binding protein/cell adhesion molecule-like
Pkp4 2.7 BE113437 Plakophilin 4 (predicted)
Col2a1 8.0 AF305418 Procollagen, type II, α 1
Col9a1 3.0 BM388861 Procollagen, type IX, α 1 (predicted)
Col9a2 2.6 BM384121 Procollagen, type IX, α 2 (predicted)
Col9a3 8.9 BM389001 Procollagen, type IX, α 3 (predicted)
Col11a1 2.8 BM389291 Procollagen, type XI, α 1
Col11a2 6.0 BM391350 Procollagen, type XI, α 2
2.6 AW918040 Protocadherin 17 (predicted)
5.5 BF415436 Protocadherin 9
Spock1 2.1 AI406342 Sparc/osteonectin, cwcv kazal-like proteoglycan 1
Tnr 19.1 NM_013045 Tenascin R
Tyro3 11.1 NM_017092 TYRO3 protein tyrosine kinase 3