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. 2006 Aug 4;91(9):3542–3559. doi: 10.1529/biophysj.105.080622



Statistical behavior of the parameters Dev and Asym that quantify MSD curvature and trajectory asymmetry, respectively, for simulated 3D Brownian trajectories. (A) Histograms of the number of simulated 3D Brownian trajectories for Dev for different lengths of trajectories N. Thresholds Dev0.99 chosen such that Dev > Dev0.99 for 99% of the simulated tracks are indicated as vertical dotted lines. Values of Dev0.99 are shown above each histogram. (B) Dev0.99 plotted as a function of N on semilogarithmic scale. (C) Thresholds Asym0.99, chosen such that 99% of the simulated trajectories had Asym < Asym0.99 (at fixed N) plotted as a function of N on semilogarithmic scale.