Plasmid | FecR proteins | β-Galactosidase activitya (Miller units) |
pSM604 | LexA1-87WT-Fos | 446 |
plexRC | LexA1-87WT-FecR101-317 | 36 |
plexLZ1A | LexA1-87WT-FecR (L247A) | 54 |
plexLZ1C | LexA1-87WT-FecR (L247C) | 94 |
plexLZ1 | LexA1-87WT-FecR (L247P) | 170 |
plexLZ2 | LexA1-87WT-FecR (L254P) | 367 |
plexLZ3 | LexA1-87WT-FecR (L261P) | 376 |
plexLZ4 | LexA1-87WT-FecR (L268P) | 112 |
Determined by using the bacterial two-hybrid LexA-based system in E. coli SU202 sulA-lacZ, which, in addition to FecR derivatives, synthesized LexA1-87408-FecA1-79 encoded by plexFecA. WT, wild type.