NPSN11 interacts with the syntaxin KNOLLE. A,
NPSN11 protein was immunoprecipitated from total membrane proteins
prepared from 5-d-old Arabidopsis suspension-cultured cells. Total
protein (1/300; T), protein eluate from preimmune column (1/10; Pre) or
from NPSN11-immune column (1/10; IP) was separated by SDS-PAGE. NPSN11,
SYP21, VTI12, and KNOLLE were detected by western blots. Note that the
41-kD band observed with the crude NPSN11 antiserum (indicated by an
arrowhead) is not immunoprecipitated. The non-specific band
recognized by anti-SYP21 is indicated by an asterisk. B,
Immunoprecipitation of KNOLLE from 5-d-old Arabidopsis suspension cells
using rabbit anti-KNOLLE cross-linked to protein A beads. Total
membrane (1/300; T), flow-through (1/300; FT), and eluted protein
(1/10; EL) were separated by SDS-PAGE and detected by western blot
using antisera against KNOLLE or NPSN11.