Induction of CLV3 expression by STM. A, STM-GR seedling 24 d.a.g., induced with Dex at 4 d.a.g.; a dense array of leaves with new meristems is formed. B, Scanning electron micrograph of a seedling, as in A. C, GUS-stained CLV3::GUS/STM-GR seedling, as in A; ectopic meristems are initiated on the adaxial leaf surface, GUS signal is found in the center of these meristems (arrow). D, Section through a leaf of a STM-GR seedling, as in A. Expression of CLV3 is detected by RNA in situ hybridization in the central zone of ectopic meristems (arrow). E, Section through the SAM of a STM-GR seedling, as in A. WUS expression, detected by RNA in situ hybridization, is found in the inner regions of the meristem, similar to wild type. F, Section through an axillary meristem of a STM-GR seedling, as in A. The domain of WUS expression resembles the expression in the SAM. E and F, No ectopic expression of WUS is observed. G, CLV3::GUS/STM-GR/wus-1 seedling 24 d.a.g.; Dex induction commenced 7 d.a.g. when the seedlings could be phenotypically identified as wus mutants. H, GUS-stained seedling as in G; GUS signal was detected in ectopic stipules that occasionally formed on the leaf margins (arrow). Note the absence of ectopic meristems. L, Leaf. Scale bars in A through C, G, and H = 500 μm; in D through F, scale bars = 20 μm.