Figure 6.
Viability of wild-type and CCA1-ox plants. A, Approximately 100 seeds of wild-type (Columbia) plants and a CCA1-ox line, CCA1-ox 34, were sown onto soil. Plants were grown in 16L:8D, 8L:16D, and 4L:20D photoperiods. The number of plants surviving was counted each week and expressed as a percentage of the number of seeds that had germinated by 1 week after sowing. The results were plotted on a graph ± sd. Experiments were performed four times with similar results. B, Forty seeds of wild-type plants and a CCA1-ox line, CCA1-ox 34, were sown onto Murashige and Skoog medium in magenta pots and then grown in 8L:16D and 4L:20D photoperiods for 6 weeks. C, Twenty-five seeds of wild-type plants and a CCA1-ox line, CCA1-ox 34, were sown onto soil in a 105- × 155-mm pot and grown 8L:16D (2 weeks) and 4L:20D (4 weeks) photoperiods.