Figure 4.
Lateral cords of Onchocerca and L. loa stained with three antisera against Wolbachia. (A, B) Antiserum against Wol-Ov-AAT stains numerous bacteria in a female O. fasciata (A). Whereas no bacteria are seen in the otherwise well stained lateral cords of a female L. loa from Gabon (B). (C, D) Antiserum against Y-HSP60 stains the bacteria in the hypodermis of a female O. ochengi to which many neutrophil granulocytes are attached (C). No bacteria are found in the lateral cords of a male L. loa. (D, F) No Wolbachia are seen in the lateral cords of a female L. loa from Gabon (E, cross section in skin) and in a male L. loa (longitudinal section) stained with Wol-Di-WSP. No neutrophil granulocytes are found attached to the cuticle of L. loa (E). cu, cuticle; lc, lateral cord; mu, muscles; n, neutrophil ganulocytes; scale bar = 25 μm.