Figure 7.
Knock down of endogenous SPIN90/WISH decreases dendritic spine density and length. (A, B) Rat-1 fibroblasts were transfected with psiRNA-virgin and psiRNA-SPIN90/WISH, and lysates were immunoblotted with SPIN90/WISH antibody. Relative band intensities are displayed as histograms. (C) Representative images of SPIN90/WISH knockdown by siRNA. Neurons that had been transfected with psiRNA-SPIN90/WISH were immunostained with GFP antibody (green) and SPIN90/WISH antibody (red). The cell body areas are magnified to show the effect of knock down. Scale bar, 30 μm. (D) GFP fluorescence images of neurons transfected with empty or SPIN90/WISH siRNA vector. The high-magnification views are of the regions enclosed in rectangles. Scale bars, low magnification: 20 μm; high magnification: 5 μm. (E) Analysis of the effect of SPIN90/WISH-siRNA on spine density. Data are means±s.e. (psiRNA-virgin, n=8; psiRNA-SPIN90/WISH, n=7; ***P<0.01, significantly different from the virgin control, Student's t-test). (F) Cumulative frequency distribution of dendritic spine lengths in neurons transfected with psiRNA-virgin (open circles) and psiRNA-SPIN90/WISH (solid circles). Inset gives mean spine lengths.