Figure 1-4250.
Generation of hL-FABP chromosomal gene Tg mice. a: Integration of the hL-FABP gene into the mice genome was confirmed by genomic polymerase chain reaction. b and c: The expression of hL-FABP in mouse kidney was verified by Northern (b) and Western (c) blot analysis. d: The expression of hL-FABP in mouse proximal tubules was observed by immunohistochemistry with monoclonal antibodies specific for hL-FABP, FABP-2. Representative photomicrographs show renal hL-FABP immunostaining in the kidney of a WT (d-1) and a Tg (d-2) mouse; PAS-stained sections in the kidney of a Tg mouse (d-3); and hL-FABP immunostaining in the kidney of a Tg mouse (d-4). In d-5 and d-6, human renal biopsy specimens obtained from a patient with minor glomerular abnormalities whose urinary occult blood was positive and urinary protein was negative were subjected to PAS staining (d-5, d-7) and hL-FABP immunostaining with monoclonal antibodies specific for hL-FABP, FABP-1 (d-6, d-8). The photomicrographs in d-3 to d-4, in d-5 to d-6, and in d-7 to d-8 are serial sections. hL-FABP was expressed diffusely throughout the proximal tubules, which have brush borders (d-3), in the Tg (d-4) but not in the WT (d-1) mouse. The localization of hL-FABP in the Tg mice (d-4) was similar to that in the human renal biopsy specimens (d-6 and d-8). Original magnifications: ×40 (d-1, d-2, d-5, d-6); ×200 (d-3, d-4); ×100 (d-7, d-8).