FIG. 4.
Opsonophagocytic killing of P. aeruginosa strain 2192 (vaccine strain) by serum from C3H-HeN mice after immunization with either MEP-KLH conjugate or native MEP mixed with KLH and by serum from a rabbit hyperimmunized with MEP-KLH. Bars represent the mean percent killing of four replicates relative to the respective preimmune serum, and error bars represent the standard error of the mean. At serum dilutions ranging from 1:5 to 1:80, sera of mice immunized with MEP-KLH generated significantly higher killing activity than did the sera of mice immunized with the nonconjugated polysaccharide (✽, P < 0.001; ○, P < 0.01 [as determined by ANOVA with the Bonferroni test for pairwise comparison]). At a serum dilution of 1:80, mouse serum maintained a significantly higher opsonic activity than rabbit serum (#, P < 0.01).