Figure 6.
Inactivation of the nod box D-half allows NodD to partially activate nodA transcription in a naringenin-independent manner. The height of the bars indicates the measured β-galactosidase level of various promoter derivatives. (A) pr.nodAe, pr.nodAd, pr.nodAc, pr.nodAb and pr.nodAO13 were assayed for nodA promoter activity in R.leguminosarum 8401(pKT230) and 8401(pIJ1518) in the presence and absence of 10 µM naringenin. (B) pr.nodDe, pr.nodDd, pr.nodDc, pr.nodDb and pr.nodDO13 were assayed for nodD promoter activity in R.leguminosarum strain 8401(pKT230) and 8401(pIJ1518) in the presence and absence of 10 µM naringenin.