Lentiviral overexpression of full-length cDNAs in zebra finch brain. (A and B) Ectopic expression of full-length eGFP in AreaX and LMAN, respectively, driven by the mammalian UBiC and EF1α promoters. Arrows indicate the injection track. (Ca) Triple label for eGFP (green), Hu (neuronal cytoplasm, red), and DAPI (all cell nuclei, blue). Flat back arrows indicate eGFP in neurons (Hu+); angled back arrows indicate eGFP in glia. (Cb) Quantification of eGFP/Hu double-labeled neurons in 3 × 100-μm areas within 100 μm of the injection site in AreaX expressed from various promoters (n = 3 animals each, 1–2 months). (D) Lentiviral UbiC promoter expression of recombinant zebra finch Gadd45β tagged with FLAG (red) in AreaX, without the bird singing. (E) Lentiviral UbiC promoter expression of recombinant zebra finch ENK (red) in processes of nidopallium neurons above the striatum (St), where ENK is normally not expressed. ENK was detected with a Met-enkephalin antibody, because the FLAG tag was cleaved off during processing of Penk to ENK (Fig. 17B). Transfection after 1 month is shown in A, transfection after 3 months is shown in B and Ca, and transfection after 1 week is shown in D and E. [Scale bars, 500 μm (A); 100 μm (B, Ca, D, and E).]