Complete |
Mutations occurring ≥ 2 times in the data set |
Expert panel |
IAS-USA mutation panel (9). The complete list of mutations for each drug class is shown here. The subset of mutations associated with each drug in the primary publication was used for prediction. |
PIs: 10F/I/R/V; 16E; 20M/R/I; 24I; 30N; 32I; 33F/I/V; 36I/L/V; 46I/L; 47V/A; 48V; 50V/L; 53L; 54V/M/L/A/T/S; 60E; 62V; 63P; 71V/T/I/L; 73S/A/C/T; 74P; 77I; 82A/F/T/S; 84V; 85V; 88D/S; 90M; 93L
NRTIs: 41L; 44D; 62V; 65R; 67N; 69ins; 70R; 74V; 75I; 77L; 115F; 116Y; 118I; 151M; 184V/I; 210W; 215Y/F; 219Q/E
NNRTIs: 100I; 103N; 106M/A; 108I; 181C/I; 188L/C/H; 190S/A; 225H; 230L; 236L
Nonpolymorphic TSMs |
Nonpolymorphic mutations significantly more common in treated compared with untreated persons (10) |
PIs: 10F/R; 11I; 20I/T/V; 23I; 24I; 30N; 32I; 33F; 34Q; 35G; 43T; 46I/L/V; 47A/V; 48M/V; 50L/V; 53L/Y; 54A/L/M/S/T/V; 55R; 58E; 66F; 67F; 71I; 73A/C/S/T; 74A/P/S; 76V; 79A; 82A/F/S/T; 84A/C/V; 85V; 88D/S/T; 89V; 90M; 92R; 95F
NRTIs: 41L; 43E/N/Q; 44A/D; 62V; 65R; 67E/G/N; 69D/N/S/ins; 70R; 74I/V; 75I/M/T; 77L; 98G; 115F; 116Y; 151M; 184I/V; 203K; 208Y; 210W; 215F/I/V/Y; 218E; 219E/N/Q/R; 223Q; 228H/R
NNRTIs: 100I; 101E/N/P; 103N/S; 106A/M; 108I; 138Q; 181C/I/V; 188C/H/L; 190A/E/Q/S; 221Y; 225H; 227L; 230L; 236L; 238T