ι-Crystallin sequences aligned with mammalian CRBP I and II. The topmost sequence, from position 7 onward, is deduced from the ι-crystallin mRNA of L. picturatus. It corrects the previously reported incomplete sequence (6) at positions 64–67, 69, and 79. The second sequence is the partial sequence of G. vittatus ι-crystallin, as determined by Edman degradation. Residues that are identical to the topmost sequence are indicated by dots. Positions of β-strands A–J and two α-helices in the CRBP structure (12) are indicated. Accession numbers for CRBP I are G809309 for rat, Q00915 for mouse, AAB34275 for cow, and P09455 for human; accession numbers for CRBP II are A92065 for rat, Q08652 for mouse, P50121 for pig, and AAC50162 for human.