Morphology of in vitro decidualized endometriotic and endometrial stromal cells. Confluent stromal cells from peritoneal surface lesions (A, F), deeply infiltrating lesions (B, G), ovarian endometrioma (C, H), and endometrial stromal cells from women with (D, I) and without endometriosis (E, J) were treated with or without 0.5 mM of 8 Br-cAMP for 9 days. Endometriotic stromal cells (A–C) underwent morphological changes from bipolar fibroblasts into polygonal decidual cells, but these were delayed (day 6 onward) and not as widespread compared with endometrial stromal cells that exhibited the characteristic change in morphology from day 3 onward (D, E). Untreated cells (F–J) retained a fibroblast-like, spindle shape appearance. Magnification ×10, scale bar 100 μm.