Inhibition of ROS Production in Mycelial Cultures Induces a Hyperbranched Phenotype.
(A) and (B) Light micrograph images captured with differential interference contrast (DIC) of E. festucae wild-type hyphae (highlighted in red) growing on PD agar medium without (A) and with (B) 2 μM DPI after 7 d. Bars = 50 μm.
(C) Light micrograph images captured with DIC of E. festucae wild type growing on PD agar in presence of 2 μM DPI showing four different patterns of lateral branching. Type 1, branch initiation close to apical tip proximal septum; Type 2, branch initiation approximately midway between septa; Type 3, branch initiation close to apical tip distal septum; Type 4, apical tip branching.
(D) Distribution of different branching types of E. festucae wild type grown in presence and absence of DPI.