Figure 2.
Dynamic histories. Three long-term dynamic histories for 2 cases of Figure 1 over the time range 0 <t < 250 days (horizontal axis). The top plot in each panel shows dimensionless densities of two strains (x(t) – solid, y(t) – dashed), relative to pyrogenic levels xp = yp = 1; the bottom plot shows their immune effectors, I(t) – thin, J(t) – solid thick, K(t) – dashed, weighted by their respective efficiencies en;eX;eY. For each panel, the shading (black, heavy gray, light gray) corresponds to the case of 'no-source', 'stationary source', 'stochastic source'. Note that 'y-curves' (dashed) are essentially the same in all 3 cases, leaving y unaffected, while x is strongly affected by the 'stationary' and 'random' sources.