Modeling basonuclin-binding site. A) The eleven Pol I and Pol II
promoter sequences, which were protected from DNase I digestion by the
N-terminal zinc fingers of basonuclin, were analyzed with software program
Consensus, which identifies the statistically most significant sequence
matrix, which likely to be the recognition sequence of a protein. The
sources of the sequence were: hrDNA-P, human rDNA promoter; mrDNA-P, mouse
rDNA promoter; hBsn-P, human basonuclin gene promoter. B) The
nucleotide frequency matrix of the basonuclin zinc finger-binding site
derived by Consensus. The parameters associated with this matrix were:
number of sequences = 11; unadjusted information = 4.79954; sample size
adjusted information = 3.8627; ln(p-value) = -33.743; p-value = 2.2162E-15;
ln(expected frequency) = -5.68861 expected frequency = 0.00338429.
C) The basonuclin binding site module with three basonuclin
binding sites constrained by their orientation and spacings (AB and BC). The
other defining parameter is the distance of the binding module to the
transcription start site (TSS).