Figure 5.
Oligonucleotide synthesis by wild-type primase and primases genetically altered at positions 31 and 33 on templates containing base substitutions for the cryptic cytosine. Oligonucleotide synthesis assays were performed with ATP and [α-32P]CTP on synthetic ssDNA oligonucleotide templates containing primase recognition sites of sequence 5′-GCN-3′, where N is A, C, G, or T, as indicated (Fig. 5 A–C) or 5′-GCCx-3′, where Cx is either C or 4HC, as indicated (Fig. 5D). After synthesis, products were separated on a 25% denaturing PAGE gel and autoradiographed. Oligonucleotide products are identified. (A) Wild-type primase. (B) Primase H33A. (C) Primases D31A, D31E, D31N and D31S. (D) Wild-type and D31S primases (for comparison with D31S, the products of wild-type primase were diluted 10-fold before electrophoresis).