Analysis of diploid clones from a cross between non-PSW and PSW strains. Strain NOY703 (non-PSW; N) and NOY877 (PSW; P) were crossed by plate-mating. Three diploid clones together with haploid parents (N and P) were analyzed for PSW phenotype by spotting aliquots of 10-fold serial dilutions of colonies on YEP-galactose (Gal) and YEPD (Glu), and the results are shown in A. Clones 1, 2, and 3 were sporulated, and tetrads were dissected on YEP-galactose. Colonies from tetrads showing four viable ones were analyzed for their PSW phenotype by spot test. The two original haploid parents (N and P) also were analyzed as controls. One tetrad from clone 1 (B), one tetrad from clone 3 (C), and two tetrads from clone 2 (D and E) are shown.