Figure 2.
Disease progression in patients with different average avidities of their HIV-specific T cell repertoire. Parameters values: σ=2 cells mm−3 d−1, δT=0.05 d−1, σH=10−5 cells mm−3 d−1, α=0.4 d−1, β=0.04 cells−1 mm3 d−1, ϵ=0.1 cells−1 mm3 d−1, δH=0.01 d−1, δI=0.2 d−1, γ=1 cell mm−3, k=0.3 cells−1 mm3 d−1; the probability of escape mutations arising per day in a given epitope is pESC=infected cells/35. Values for the parameters and variables are based on a ‘total body model’, and rescaled to a volume of 1 mm3. qi is dimensionless; γ/qi represents the number of cells mm−3 required for half-maximal proliferation. p.i, post infection. Colour coding: target cells, black; infected cells, red; total helper cells, light green; number of clones responding, purple; average avidity immune response, orange; avidity of the best clone, blue. AIDS corresponds to the state without immune response, with high-viral load (more than 8 cells mm−3) and low target cell numbers. (a) Low repertoire avidity, qavg=0.5. Fast progressor: AIDS occurs after about 3.5 years. (b) Medium repertoire avidity, qavg=1.0. Intermediate progressor: onset of AIDS at about 12 years. (c) High-repertoire avidity, qavg=1.5. Slow progressor: AIDS after more than 17 years. (d) Primary infection phase (first 250 days) of the individual shown in figure 2b.