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. 2006 Oct 12;1:18. doi: 10.1186/1746-4358-1-18

Table 3.

Characteristics of sample for each independent variable (n = 764)

Factor No %
Had antenatal intention to breastfeed 6 months or more 203 26.6
Had postnatal intention to breastfeed 6 months or more 511 66.9
Desire to breastfeed
 Very strong desire to breastfeed 595 77.9
 Desire to breastfeed goes up and down 120 15.7
 Sometimes think bottle (formula) feeding preferable 46 6.0
 I think bottle (formula) feeding is preferable 3 0.4
Confidence in breastfeeding ability
 Feel confident in ability to breastfeed baby 360 47.1
 Breastfeeding difficult now but hope will get easier 368 48.1
 Not feeling confident in ability to breastfeed baby 36 4.7
Partner's view of breastfeeding
 My partner would prefer me to breastfeed 498 65.2
 My partner does not mind how I feed the baby 22 2.9
 My partner is supportive either way 232 30.4
 My partner would prefer me to formula feed 8 1.2
 Not sure 4 0.5
Family's view of breastfeeding
 My family would prefer me to breastfeed 396 51.8
 My family would prefer me to formula feed 30 3.9
 My family is supportive either way 311 40.7
 Not sure 27 3.5
Was breastfed as a baby
 Breastfed as a baby 538 70.4
 Not breastfed as baby 190 24.9
 Own breastfeeding history not known 36 4.7
Smoking pre-pregnancy (number per day)
 None 487 63.7
 1–9 110 14.4
 10–19 100 13.1
 20–29 57 7.5
 30–39 4 0.5
 > 40 2 0.3
 Did not answer question 4 0.5
Maternal body mass index
 Underweight (< 20) 105 13.7
 Normal weight (20–25) 477 62.4
 Overweight (> 25 and < 30) 104 13.6
 Obese (>= 30) 78 10.2
Baby admitted to special care 81 10.6
Gestation 702 91.9
Breastfed within 1 hour of birth 426 55.8
Received formula in hospital 217 28.4
Completed secondary education 589 77.1
Tertiary education
 Not comp degree/diploma 343 44.9
 Completing degree/diploma 58 7.6
 Completed degree/diploma 363 47.5
Family income (AUD)
 <$20,000 102 13.4
 $20–30,000 87 11.4
 $30–40,000 116 15.2
 $40–50,000 84 11.0
 > $50,000 331 43.3
 Income category not completed 44 5.8
Region of birth
 Australia 535 70.0
 Asia 85 11.1
 Other 144 18.9
Employed/studying at 6 months postpartum 229 30.0
Attended childbirth education 619 81.0
Reported breastfeeding problems by day 2–4 455 59.6
Rated midwife home visit* extremely helpful for breastfeeding issues
 Extremely helpful 140 18.3
 Very helpful 301 39.4
 A little helpful 129 16.9
 Not helpful 53 6.9
 Did not discuss/did not have home visit 141 18.5
Attended breastfeeding clinic breastfeeding clinic in first few weeks
 Had breastfeeding problems but did not attend clinic 354 46.3
 Had breastfeeding problems, did attend clinic 142 18.6
 Had no breastfeeding problems 162 60.5
Anxiety or depression problem in first 6 months (self-report) 281 36.8
Relationship problems at all in first 6 months 101 13.2
Age at recruitment (mean, sd) 28.6 (5.57)

* In Victoria, Australia, all women receiving public maternity care are offered at least one midwife home visit postpartum, in the first few days after discharge from hospital.