Table 1.
World energy statistics and projections
Quantity | Definition | Units | 2001* | 2050† | 2100‡ |
N | Population | B persons | 6.145 | 9.4 | 10.4 |
GDP | GDP§ | T $/yr | 46 | 140¶ | 284‖ |
GDP/N | Per capita GDP | $/(person-yr) | 7,470 | 14,850 | 27,320 |
Ė/GDP | Energy intensity | W/($/yr) | 0.294 | 0.20 | 0.15 |
Ė | Energy consumption rate | TW | 13.5 | 27.6 | 43.0 |
C/E | Carbon intensity | KgC/(W·yr) | 0.49 | 0.40 | 0.31 |
Ċ | Carbon emission rate | GtC/yr | 6.57 | 11.0 | 13.3 |
Ċ | Equivalent CO2 emission rate | GtCO2/yr | 24.07 | 40.3 | 48.8 |
*Ė = (403.9 Quads/yr)·(33.4 GWyr/Quad)·(10–3 TW/GW) = 13.5 TW; and Ċ = (24.072 GtCO2/yr)·(12/44 GtC/GtCO2) = 6.565 GtC (adapted from ref. 1).
†Ė = (869 EJ/yr)·(106 TJ/EJ)/(60·60·24·365 s/yr) = 27.5 TW [adapted from ref. 2 (Scenario B2), pp. 48–55].
‡Ė = (1,357 EJ/yr)·(106 TJ/EJ)/(60·60·24·365 s/yr) = 43.0 TW [adapted from ref. 2 (Scenario B2), pp. 48–55].
§All in year 2000 U.S. dollars, using the inflation-adjusted conversions: $2000 = 1/0.81590 $1990 (adapted from ref. 1), and ′purchasing power parity′ exchange rates.
¶In year 2000 U.S. dollars: (113.9 T$1990)·(1/0.81590 $2000/$1990) = 139.6 T$2000.
‖In year 2000 U.S. dollars: (231.8 T$1990)·(1/0.81590 $2000/$1990) = 284.1 T$2000.