Fig. 3.
Some examples of GFP patterns. The number at the bottom of each panel refers to individual insertion lines. B, D, and G show photographs of live embryos, and the remaining panels depict live larvae. (A) Line 34 shows expression in the CNS and peripheral nervous system at larval stages. (B) Embryonic expression in segmentally arranged clusters of cells of the epidermis. (C) Line 50 shows expression in the tracheal system, intestinal tract, and the epidermis. (D) Line 4 is expressed in the CNS and the oenocytes. (E) Line 56 shows expression in the tracheal system. (F) Line 86 shows GFP expression in the fat bodies and somatic musculature. (G) In embryos from line 98, GFP is seen in narrow stripes of segmentally repeated epidermal cells. There is also expression in scattered cells throughout the embryo. (H) Line 35 exhibits exclusive expression in the ring gland. (I) Line 90 has GFP expression in segmentally repeated cells of the embryonic epidermis.