FIG. 1.
Genetic organization of the antibiotic resistance gene clusters of SGI1 and the new SGI1-L variant of S. enterica serovar Newport strain 00-4093. The direction of transcription of genes is indicated by arrows. Black and gray arrows correspond to SGI1 antibiotic resistance genes and chromosomal genes flanking SGI1, respectively. DR-L and DR-R are the left and right direct repeats, respectively, bracketing SGI1. IRi and IRt are 25-bp imperfect inverted repeats defining the left and right ends of complex class 1 integrons. PCRs used to assess the genetic organization of the antibiotic resistance genes (PCRs floR, A, B, C, D, E, and F) and the SGI1 junctions to the chromosome (PCRs LJ and RJ [for left and right junctions, respectively]) are indicated. Abbreviations for restriction sites: X, XbaI; and H, HindIII. Gray thick bars indicate the p1-9 and pSTF3 probes. The positions of the DR-L, DR-R, and XbaI restriction sites are indicated on the scale according to GenBank accession no. AF261825.