Strains used in this study and tested for persisters
Strain | Genotype | Biofilm architecture | Persistersa | Source/reference |
3153A | Wild-type laboratory strain | Robust 3D wild type | +++ | 41 |
CKY357 | CAI-4 mkc1Δ::hisG/mkc1Δ::hisG mkc1::pCK70 (URA3) | Reduced filamentation | ++ | 26 |
CAI4 | SC5314 Δura3::λimm434/Δura3::λimm434 | Robust 3D wild type | + | 26 |
CKY136 | CAI-4 efg1::hisG/efg1::hisG ade2::pDBI52 (URA3) | Filamentation defect; sparse monolayer of cells | +++ | 12 |
CKY138 | CAI-4 efg1::hisG/efg1::hisG cph1Δ::hisG/cph1Δ::hisG ade2::pDBI52 (URA3) | Filamentation defect; sparse monolayer of cells | ++ | 12 |
MC191 | ura3Δ::λimm434/ura3Δ::λimm434 arg4::hisG/arg4::hisG his1::hisG/his1::hisG flo8::ARG4/flo8::HIS1 ade2::URA3/ADE2 | Functionally defective hyphae | +++ | Microbia |
MC195 | ura3Δ::λimm434/ura3Δ::λimm434 arg4::hisG/arg4::hisG his1::hisG/his1::hisG flo8::ARG4/flo8::HIS1 ade2::URA3::FLO8-2/ADE2 | Robust 3D wild type | + | Microbia |
MC245 | ura3Δ::λimm434/ura3Δ::λimm434 arg4::hisG/arg4::hisG his1::hisG/his1::hisG flo8::ARG4/FLO8 ade2::URA3/ADE2 HIS::his/his | Robust 3D wild type | ++ | Microbia |
DAY185 | Δura3::λimm434/Δura3::λimm434 arg4::hisG/arg4::hisG/pARG4-URA3 his1::hisG/his1::hisG/pHIS1 | Robust 3D wild type | ++ | 45 |
DAY286 | Δura3::λimm434/Δura3::λimm434 arg4::hisG/arg4::hisG/pARG4-URA3 his1::hisG/his1::hisG | Robust 3D wild type | ++ | 45 |
GKO443 | Δura3::λimm434/Δura3::λimm434arg4::hisG/arg4::hisG his1::hisG/his1::hisG suv3::Tn7-UAU1/suv3::Tn7-URA3 | Biofilm defect; decreased biomass | ++ | 45 |
GKO798 | Δura3::λimm434/Δura3::λimm434arg4::hisG/arg4::hisG his1::hisG/his1::hisG kem1::Tn7-UAU1/kem1::Tn7-URA3 | Biofilm defect; decreased biomass | ++ | 37 |
GKO814 | Δura3::λimm434/Δura3::λimm434arg4::hisG/arg4::hisG his1::hisG/his1::hisG nup85::Tn7-UAU1/nup85::Tn7-URA3 | Biofilm defect; decreased biomass | ++ | 45 |
GKO9 | Δura3::λimm434/Δura3::λimm434arg4::hisG/arg4::hisG his1::hisG/his1::hisG mds3::Tn7-UAU1/mds3::Tn7-URA3 | Biofilm defect; decreased biomass | ++ | 45 |
CJN702 | Δura3::λimm434/Δura3::λimm434arg4::hisG/arg4::hisG his1::hisG::pHIS1/his1::hisG bcr1::ARG4/bcr1::URA3 | Functionally defective hyphae | ++ | 37 |
CJN698 | Δura3::λimm434/Δura3::λimm434arg4::hisG/arg4::hisG his1::hisG::pHIS1-BCR1/his1::hisG bcr1::ARG4/bcr1::URA3 | Robust 3D wild type | ++ | 37 |
+++, 1 to 2% survival; ++, 0.1 to 1% survival; +, 0.05 to 0.1% survival.