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. 2006 Nov;17(11):4709–4719. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E06-03-0253

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Effect of swinholide and latrunculin on vesicle mobility. (a) Images of actin-GFP and Syt-GFP before and after application of 5 μM swinholide. The normally punctate distribution of actin is abolished after drug treatment (the scale bar for actin-GFP image is 2 μm), whereas the donut-shaped synaptotagmin signal remains virtually unchanged. This image was taken 40 min after application of swinholide (scale bar for Syt-GFP image is 1.5 μm) (b) Summary of recovery index values in the absence of drug or in the presence of 5 μM swinholide (Swi), 10 μM latrunculin (Lat), or 10 μM jasplakinolide (Jas), where the bars represent the mean value and the error bars the SEM for each of the genotypes and conditions indicated. Sample size (n = number of boutons) is indicated on each bar; the number of larvae were as follows: control no drug, 5; control + Swi, 3; control + Lat, 7; control + Jas, 2; NSF2E/Q, 5; NSF2E/Q + Swi, 3; NSF2E/Q + Lat, 4; and NSF2E/Q + Jas, 2.