Descriptive parameters measured from experimental and simulated records. Symbols show mean ± SD for the (A) relative tension, Pss/P0, (B) relative overshoot, Pmax/Pss, (C) rate of tension recovery, ktr, and (D) crossing time, tct, parameters for individual pCa values ranging from 6.5 to 4.5. Experimental values (triangles) are replotted from Fig. 4 of Campbell (3). Simulated values computed with (φ0/κm = φ0/κa = 0.0645 nm (circles) (see Table 1)) and without (φ0/κm = φ0/κa = 6.45 × 10−8 nm (squares)) filament compliance were calculated as described for Fig. 2. The simulated data sets include points corresponding to pCa 6.4 activations. Equivalent experimental records were not available. pCa50 values (indicative of the calcium concentration required to produce half-maximal force) differed by <0.01 for the data sets simulated with and without filament compliance.