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. 2006 Nov 14;4(12):e386. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0040386

Figure 2. Rescuing Activity of scute Minigenes.

Figure 2

Minigenes comprising the enhancers of D. melanogaster, D. quadrilineata, and D. virilis and sc (Dm-DCE-sc, Dv-DCE-s,c and Dq-DCE-sc) were assayed in acmtg mutants.

(A) Pictures of typical adult hemithoraces characterised by the total number of bristles (indicated at the top), the position of the anterior-most bristle (white arrowheads), and of the smaller intermediate bristles (black arrowheads). Each hemithorax category is given a colour code below. The associated histograms show the percentage of hemithoraces falling in the above categories for the genotypes examined. This summarises the results from four independent insertion lines of each transgene, with at least 100 hemithoraces scored for each line.

(B–G) In situ hybridisation for sc performed on third instar larval wing discs of the genotypes indicated. In D. quadrilineata, we observed expression of sc at the site of origin of the DC, scutellar (SC), and postalar (PSA) bristles, but noted its absence at the presutural position (see asterisk [*] in [E]). D. quadrilineata flies lack the presutural bristle (arrows in Figure 1B–1D). Expression corresponding to the presutural bristles of D. melanogaster is labelled “sut” in (B). The dotted lines in (B) and (E) indicate the midline (m). Anterior is up, posterior down, dorsal to the left, and lateral to the right.