Fig. 2.
Expression pattern of Tbx1 in Xenopus tropicalis. The results of in situ hybridizations for Tbx1 expression from early neurula to late tail bud stages are shown (embryos uncleared). Except for the anterior views shown in a and d, all embryos are oriented with anterior to the left. a– c: Stage 13 is shown in anterior (a), lateral (b), and dorsal (c) views. Bilateral patches of stronger expression are indicated in a) by arrowheads. d–f: Stage 19 is shown in anterior (d), lateral (e), and dorsal (f) views. Bilateral stripes of stronger expression are indicated in f) by an asterisk. g–n: Tbx1 expression through tail bud stages is shown as follows: stage 25 lateral (g) and ventral (h), stage 26 lateral (i), stage 27 lateral (j) and ventral (k), stage 28 lateral (l) and ventral (m), stage 33 lateral (n). ba1, first branchial arch; ba2, second branchial arch; cg, cement gland; ea, eye anlagen; ha, hyoid arch; ma, mandibular arch; ov, otic vesicle.