FIG. 3.
Phylogenetic identification of basidiomycete sequences amplified from KBS-LTER soils. Neighbor-joining tree of the 241 environmental sequences together with 665 named reference sequences from GenBank, after which the reference sequences were pruned to depict the placement and identity of the environmental sequences. Numbers in parentheses following terminal clade names (38) indicate the numbers of “species” recovered, based on a definition of ≥99% sequence similarity. Numbers at nodes are bootstrap values indicating support for nodes including reference sequences, based on a neighbor-joining bootstrap analysis with 1,000 replicates. Vertical bars at right indicate seven of the eight major clades of Homobasidiomycetes recognized by Hibbett and Thorn (24) plus the Ceratobasidiales and Heterobasidiomycetes (Gom./Phal., gomphoid/phalloid; Hymeno., hymenochaetoid; Ceratobasid., Ceratobasidiales; Heterobasid., Heterobasidiomycetes). The height of a clade triangle is proportional to the number of clones recovered, and the width is proportional to terminal branch lengths (scale bars at upper left). Blastocladiella (Chytridiomycota), Blumeria, Neolecta, and Taphrina (Ascomycota) were used as the outgroup.