Effect of Pir anchor on amount of cell wall immobilization and enzymatic activity. (a) HA-tagged PIR1, PIR3, and PIR4 fusion proteins at the cell surface were monitored by flow cytometry. (b) Enzymatic activities of PIR1-, PIR3-, and PIR4-anchored ST3Gal I at the cell wall were measured and compared by HPLC analysis under the conditions described in Materials and Methods. Enzymatic activities were expressed as arbitrary units (1 arbitrary unit = 1 pmol of product/5 OD600 units of cell wall/24 h). PIR1-HA-ST3Gal I, PIR3-HA-ST3Gal I, and PIR4-HA-ST3Gal I (labeled PIR1, PIR3, and PIR4, respectively) showed enzymatic activities of 3,917, 4,608, and 4,032 U, respectively.