Fig. 1.
Extended majority-rule consensus tree for the Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of clade A fibrillar collagen proteins. Numbers at each node indicate posterior probability (pp) values based on one million replicates. Branch lengths are proportional to means of the pp densities for their expected replacements per site. The tree is rooted by tunicate (C. intestinalis) clade B fibrillar collagen (ColB) and sea urchin fibrillar collagen (ColP2α). Hagfish Col2α1 (boxed) is grouped with lamprey Col2α1a and Col2α1b with a pp of 0.99. This cyclostome Col2α1 clade joins to the base of the gnathostome Col2α1 clade with a pp of 0.96. Lancelet clade A fibrillar collagen (AmphiColA; boxed) is joined to the vertebrate clade A collagen family with a pp of 0.99. Minimum evolution and maximum likelihood methods confirm these positions for hagfish Col2α1 and AmphiColA (see also).